With the turning of the new year, I am thrilled to be working on building a business that combines so many things that I am passionate about (art, scratchboard, wildlife, nature, photography, social justice, personal impact) into one enterprise that will one day be the career of a lifetime!
I've spent many weeks planning for the start of this new year; PLANNING, PLANNING, PLANNING - developing schedules, task lists, goal maps, a business plan, marketing and social media strategies, website improvement plans, new artwork ideas, photography shoot ideas, budget strategies, etc....
Now that January and 2015 have finally arrived, it is time to put all that planning into action. Five days into 2015 and I've already learned to go with the flow when things don't go as 'scheduled' and to make the most of impromptu ideas. I will spend the next year reintroducing myself, my artwork, and my business to all of you (and hopefully A LOT more people), starting with this post and the two previous posts.
As you will have noticed, the first important change I have made was introducing "Melissa Helene Fine Arts and Photography" on Facebook (everywhere else soon!). Secondly, I wanted to start out the year on a strong note, making my social media presence stronger, more diverse, and more consistent. There will be a lot of NEW happening this year - look for a LOGO coming very soon.
I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to what will be happening, but obviously I can't give too much away. Here's what you can expect in 2015, to name just a few...
New Brand - a new and recognizable LOOK for my business
New Artwork - of course!
More Photography - still getting stronger and working on crafting my style
Nature focus - not just in the subjects of my artwork
!!! A Chance for you to GET INVOLVED !!! - I'm SUPER excited about this project but can't give you any more of a hint. Just remember that you will get a chance in the Spring to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Please continue to follow my artwork and business on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and of course, right here, on the website. You're support and encouragement is what keeps me going on the toughest days. THANK YOU!!
Please SHARE this post and any others from social media with your network. I would be so thankful for your help in spreading the word!!