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Scratchboard Essentials: Online Scratchboard Courses

Melissa Helene

"Scratchboard Essentials" is here! This two-course suite is an introduction to the medium of scratchboard created for everyone - true beginners all the way through more advanced scratchboard artists! I'm so excited to bring these courses to you and help you build your confidence with the tools and techniques of scratchboard.

The first of the two courses is "A Beginner's Guide" and I walk you through the foundational basics of the medium of scratchboard. We start with a full explanation of the tools and supplies that I use within the course and a Tool Guide is provided with links so you can fill out your own toolkit.

The second module walks you through the basic strokes and techniques you can use with each of the tools to create different textures in your scratchboard pieces. I demonstrate what each technique looks like and how they look different with each of the tools.

Module 3 give you extra time to experiment and play with the strokes, techniques, and tools. I specifically included this module because scratchboard typically has quite a steep learning curve and the only way to master it is time and practice, so don't skip this one!

Next, I walk you through three different methods for getting your desired image onto your scratchboard so you have a reference sketch before you start scratching. We discuss projection, a basic pencil sketch, and transfer paper. I also explain why and how this reference sketch is helpful for photo-realistic scratchboard artwork.

The fifth module teaches you how to map out fur, feather, and other texture patterns in your reference sketch so you can spend less time referencing your source material (the photograph you're working from) while scratching. I show exactly how many marks I make in my pencil sketch and how I use them to direct my scratches. Two different visual examples are provided within the supplemental guide for the course.

Module 6 builds on all the prior modules and combines techniques to create specific wildlife textures. This module has 4 parts and demonstrates how to create short hair (giraffe), long fur (lion, pictured), feathers (owl), and skin (gorilla). I walk you through how to use the different tools to create each of these textures. You will also see, in real-time, how the initial sketch you put on the scratchboard helps direct your scratching.

This is where "A Beginner's Guide" ends.

The second course available in Scratchboard Essentials, "Foundations to Finishing Touches", includes all 6 of the previous modules and continues to build upon them with 7 more in-depth demonstrations. This second option is a comprehensive, wildlife-focused scratchboard course.

All the textures, techniques, and elements that I demonstrate have two parts: the first shows how I create my own scratchboard wildlife work with my preferred tools (the small fiberglass brush and x-acto knife), the second part demonstrates similar techniques with a new subject with the other tools in the toolkit (parallel wire tool, curved wire tool, scratchboard tools, large fiberglass brush).

Module 7 is EYES (white tiger eye and ring-tailed lemur eye)

Module 8 is NOSES (polar bear nose and boxer dog nose)

Module 9 is MOUTHS (tiger mouth and bald eagle beak)

Module 10 is EARS (one set of ocelot ears)

Module 11 is FUR (wet grizzly bear fur and lynx fur)

Module 12 is FEATHERS (great grey owl and house sparrow)

Module 13 combines all the elements to create a portion of a SNOW LEOPARD FACE

White Tiger Eye - House Sparrow - Polar Bear Nose
White Tiger Eye - House Sparrow - Polar Bear Nose

"Foundations to Finishing Touches" has 60 videos and over 7 hours of content.

Both courses in Scratchboard Essentials are pre-recorded, self-paced, and you get lifetime access so you can work through the content in your own time.

A supplemental PDF visual guide is provided with both courses that includes the Tool Guide, Basic Strokes + Techniques Visual Guide, and reference images for each module.

"A Beginner's Guide" - One-time payment of $127

"Foundations to Finishing Touches" - One-time payment of $397 or two payment plan options available

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